Dear Authors,


We have finally managed to finish the review of all abstracts, and the corresponding authors should have been notified via e-mail about the decision. If you have not received and e-mail please log in (here) and check manually. Should you not see your abstract in the system please send us an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can sort is out.

The abstracts were assigned to sub-themes by the reiviewers based on the abstract and our guidelines, but this might be revisited later, once the draft paper is submitted.

The full paper template is not yet available, as we are still in discussions, to meet any necessary criteria (especially regarding references) posed by major databases (e.g. Scopus). The final template should be available by the end of the month, at which time all corresponding authors will be notified in e-mail. We ask for your patience until then.

Thank you!



Tamas Huszak

Local Organizing Committee